人doGe| 记者手记:从北京到阿斯塔纳,由阿拜初识“伟大草原之国”

来源:新华网 | 2024-07-03 00:44:46
新华网 | 2024-07-03 00:44:46

DoGen,Deriving Wisdom from Zen

When it comes to exploring the depths of human existence and unraveling the mysteries of the universe, humans have long sought the guidance of spiritual practices. Over centuries, various religions and philosophies have emerged, each offering unique perspectives on life's purpose and meaning. One such philosophy that holds great significance is DoGen, rooted in the Zen tradition of Buddhism. Founded by the revered Zen Master Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan, DoGen provides profound insights into human nature and serves as a pathway to enlightenment. In this article, we will delve into the essence of DoGen and explore how it can provide valuable guidance in our daily lives.

I. Embracing the Present Moment:
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many of us find ourselves lost in a constant state of busyness. Our minds are burdened with worries about the future or regrets about the past, leaving little room for experiencing the present moment. DoGen teaches us the art of mindfulness, encouraging us to fully immerse ourselves in the here and now. By focusing on our breath, our bodily sensations, and the sounds around us, we can cultivate a deep sense of presence. This practice not only helps to calm the mind but also allows us to appreciate the beauty of every moment, no matter how ordinary.

II. Impermanence and Non-Attachment:
In a world characterized by constant change, DoGen draws our attention to the concept of impermanence. Everything in this universe, including our own lives, is fleeting and transient. Understanding this truth can lead us to let go of attachments and undue expectations. DoGen teaches us that suffering arises from clinging to things that are ephemeral. By accepting the transient nature of life and detaching ourselves from the desire for permanence, we can find peace within. Rather than lamenting the loss of something, we learn to cherish the preciousness of every moment.

III. Interconnectedness and Compassion:
Another fundamental aspect of DoGen is the recognition of our interconnectedness with all beings. In our pursuit of personal fulfillment, it is easy to overlook the fact that our actions have ripple effects on others and the world around us. DoGen emphasizes the importance of cultivating compassion and extending our benevolence to all living beings. It encourages us to treat every encounter as an opportunity to practice kindness and empathy, fostering harmony within ourselves and the world. By acknowledging our interconnectedness, we develop a deep sense of responsibility towards others and strive to alleviate their suffering.

DoGen, derived from the depths of Zen philosophy, offers profound insights that can guide us towards a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Through its teachings on embracing the present moment, impermanence, non-attachment, interconnectedness, and compassion, DoGen empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and clarity. By incorporating DoGen principles into our daily lives, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves, form more meaningful connections with others, and find true contentment amidst life's uncertainties. As Dogen Zenji once said, "Enlightenment is not separate from everyday life; it is the ordinary life itself."

  中新社阿斯塔纳7月2日电 题:从北京到阿斯塔纳,由阿拜初识“伟大草原之国”

  中新社记者 黄钰钦




坐落在北京国际名人雕塑园中的阿拜雕像。中新社记者 黄钰钦 摄









位于阿斯塔纳街头的阿拜巨型雕像。中新社记者 盛佳鹏 摄





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